
Thursday, October 13, 2011

quick and easy bruchetta

If you are like me, you have two, and only two things going on in your life right now. 1, you have little to time after work. Between taking the dog on a walk, pretending like you're going to work out but really catching up on the Hulu flicks, and packing the lunch for the next day, there is little to no time for a good dinner. And 2, there is an excess of tomatoes due to a late fall. Call me Rachael Ray, but my favorite 30 minute meal to do in times of despair like this, is to make bruchetta. It is super easy and it's DEliscious!

All you need it french bread, tomatoes, cream cheese, a little parm, and a white wine sprtizer (you know just to drink).
First step, cut the bread into small, approximately half inch slices. If the bread you are using is very soft, I like to sprinkle it with olive oil and garlic salt and toast them in the oven until they're a little more firm. If like, me you love a grand central baguette, then no need to toast beforehand. Spread the cream cheese onto each slice and place them onto a cookie sheet. Next, dice the tomatoes. In my opinion the smaller the better, but some people like their bruchetta chunky. Put a big dollop of dices tomatoes on each slice. I like to add some seasoning on top, but it's not necessary. Lastly comes the parm cheese. Bake on 350 for about 20 min. Let cool a bit and serve.


If there is anything left over, I like to use it for BLTs the next day. The bread and the diced tomatoes make the BLTs a little extra fancy.

If you have a little more time I would suggest roasting the tomatoes. Here are some great instructions to roast tomatoes even if they aren't completely ripe. Once they are roasted, you can pop them in the food processor with some spices, sea salt and garlic. It's the bomb. Thanks for the great idea miss Brooke!

Tomorrow night, the hubs and I are headed to the Timber's last home game. Stay tuned on Saturday for the report and some pics of a very PDX event. Until next time...

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